The Brilliant, NSFW Game Of Thrones/Princess Bride Mashup
The Brilliant, NSFW Game Of Thrones/Princess Bride Mashup

Are you sitting comfortably? And are you over the age of 18? Then we'll begin.
As the torrent of Game of Thrones-related internet activity grows to an all-consuming tsunami, we've found ourselves swept up in another brilliant, blood-soaked mashup.
Created by YouTube schemers Shawn Kohne and Todd Spence, The Princess of Thrones takes the story time scene of The Princess Bride (yes, it's our guilty pleasure too) and switches the titular novel for George R R Martin's Song of Ice and Fire. The results are superbly synchronised, but strictly adult in nature.
If you aren't up to date on HBO's Game of Thrones series, we suggest you give this one a miss - it's brimming with spoilers. And again, given the content of the show, consider this a final NSFW flag-wave.
With those internet courtesies dealt with, enjoy the show.