Exclusive Beano sketches highlight the timelessness of Dennis The Menace 65 years on
And he's not even changed his jumper...

17 March marks the 65th anniversary of Dennis the Menace's first appearance in The Beano. Somehow managing to remain ten years old the whole time, Dennis has spent nearly two-thirds of a century getting up to no good. The world has changed unimaginably since he first showed up, but his stripy jumper, spiky hair and shorts have remained constant.
To mark the anniversary, Beano artist Nigel Parkinson has created these exclusive images showing Dennis (along with Gnasher, his trusty Abyssinian wire-haired tripe hound) making his mark through the decades, taking on the style of the main Dennis artist each time. Go to the Beano's official site to be in with a chance of winning a limited-edition print signed by Parkinson himself.