By 2011, you'd assume that making film posters would have been smoothed out to a relatively disaster-free process.
While Photoshop has provided designers with more opportunities to mess it all up, the years of experience and awareness of what people like us might say, should have made it all more painless.
Not. Quite. So.
Check out these 15 pieces of eye-torture and then wash them out with this year's best right after.
Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son
Okay, so we were never going to be bowled over by a poster from the third Martin Lawrence cross-dressing comedy but there was still the possibility that we would just loathe it. But, no, this one actually hurts our eyes. Dressing Lawrence up as Lady Gaga for this French variation was a cruel move. One that's been haunting our dreams ever since.
You'd assume that promoting a film directed by Roman Polanski and starring Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster, John C Reilly and Christophe Waltz would be an easy job. But, taking a look at this one-sheet, it appears that the job was deemed a little too easy and was pawned off on an inexperienced intern. Combining poor Photoshop with a template that belongs in Word 97, it's a travesty.
The Dilemma
Hollywood: who cares about the plot when you've got the facial expressions of Vince Vaughn and Kevin James? Audiences: ermmm...
Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close
While choosing not to focus on the two A-List stars involved is a brave move, focusing on the creepily doctored face of a small boy is an even braver one. Brave sure but also rather stupid. Are we the only ones who think those hands don't belong to that kid? Or any human being for that fact...
Green Lantern
Character posters are a tried and tested way of letting audiences know that the film being advertised is a big deal. Utilised for Harry Potter movies, among many others, they showcase the impressive cast involved. But when your film involves mainly CG creations, it's not always advisable. Take this woeful 'Kilowog' poster which highlights one of the many problematic effects in the film. Consider us confused and uninterested. Again.
Hall Pass
The curse of Photoshop strikes again in this ugly poster which manages to make Owen Wilson's face look even more elastically terrifying. Coupled with some curiously lifeless comedic gurning from Jason Sudeikis and Stephen Merchant, it's easily one of the many reasons as to why the film was such a major bomb.
The Iron Lady
Sure, so the poster was always going to focus on Meryl Streep's uncanny Margaret Thatcher makeover, but we did rather hope it would focus on something else as well. What with the colour scheme, the extreme close-up and the facial expression, this looks more like an ad for a new remake of Dynasty.
Jack & Jill
For anyone that's seen Funny People, the plot of Jack & Jill sounds a bit like the kind of inane film that Adam Sandler's lead character would have starred in. The poster, similarly, looks like the stuff of parody, right from the horrendous tagline to the sitcom expressions. Makes us want to see the movie even less. If that's possible.
Larry Crowne
Not only is this poster offensive to look at for purely aesthetic reasons but it's also offensive for safety reasons. Just ask the authorities in Spain. They fined the film's distributor for failing to add helmets to Tom and Julia's pampered heads. It promotes reckless driving, as well as reckless film-making for anyone who endured the romantic comedy....
A Little Bit Of Heaven
Another reckless poster here which has Kate Hudson jumping for joy right up into the clouds which makes us concerned for the fall that will immediately follow. Although, given the annoying look on her face, perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing...
Main St
The problem with a starry cast is that, when it comes to making the poster, it's often mightily hard to get them all in one place at the same time. So spare a thought for the creative team behind this one, who have been forced into a pitiful botched job with the lead cast all digitally assembled in the most foul way imaginable.
An indie film that utilises character posters has to be applauded for ambition so kudos to Melancholia for thinking big. But including the controversial director as one of the lead stars is a rather fatuous move, especially given how uncomfortable he looks...
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
The surprisingly entertaining fourquel began its campaign with this misguided spin on the classic Tom Cruise close-up. Vanilla Sky, Jerry Maguire and The Firm all based their success on the Cruiser's face but this attempt to update the formula makes him look like Eminem's unseen father in 8 Mile. Not cool, but desperately wanting to be.
Nicolas Cage? Nicole Kidman? Eh? Yep, like most of the world, you'll probably have no idea that this film even exists. The unsuccessful thriller limped onto screens earlier this year and the poster tells us everything we need to know: the stars have seen better days, it was shot on the cheap and it's completely unworthy of our time.
X-Men: First Class
When this teaser poster emerged earlier this year, it was the subject of mass online derision. Now, we're not one to twist the knife any further but, by God, what were they thinking? Lazily adding the hazy face of James McAvoy onto the silhouette of Patrick Stewart gives us a poster that would look disappointing even as fan art. Or a school project. Or a joke.
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