If the media coverage is anything to go by, the London Olympics in 2012 is going to be P.H.A.T.
Fittingly, then, the people behind the medals that'll be dolled out to the successful athletes (if you can call second and third a success) have made their Olympic bling fat. Really fat.
They weigh between 375-400 grams, are eighty-five millimetres in diameter and seven millimetres thick making them the biggest and heaviest ever.
The fronts show images of Nike, the Greek Goddess of Victory, stepping out of the depiction of the Parthenon to arrive in the host city.
According to The Sun Team GB suit suppliers Next have been told to make bigger pockets in competitors' jackets so the medals can fit in. Bit presumptuous.
According to us (completely unfounded) Flava Flav is willing to trade up, his clock for a fat gold one...
(Images: Getty)