If imitation is sincerest form of flattery, replicating an individual's daily routine must sit somewhere further along the sinister end of the spectrum. Still, if it helps us strike on mimicking the creative capacities of these artists, writers and musicians, we're all for it.
Compiled by the productivity-enhancing minds of Podio, this interactive infographic gives extensive details on the daily routines of 26 creative legends.
Looking to write the next classic? You'd do well to examine the habits of Charles Dickens - seven hours sleep, followed by an hour set aside for the ghastly task of 'waking up'. Or maybe the invigorating ice bath of Victor Hugo will help unlock your creative juices (here's hoping not).
Any budding musicians might find their most productive hours follow a similar pattern to Mozart, whose late night sessions gave birth to some of the most famous music ever penned - but then Beethoven was more of a midday worker.
Do let us know if you find any of the routines fruitful. From now on we'll be adopting the lifestyle of William Styron - late nights of drinking and socialising, sleeping until 12pm and only four hours of work? He was on to something.
Click on the image to view the interactive version

Click image to see the interactive version (via Podio).

Click image to see the interactive version (via Podio).

Click image to see the interactive version (via Podio).
(Images: Rex; Shutterstock; Podio)