This is how long you can keep cold pizza for and eat it without dying
This is how long you can keep cold pizza for and eat it without dying

You know what never lets you down? Pizza.
You can always count on pizza to get the party pumping as soon as it turns up; to gently nurse you through the most disgusting hangover the next day; and to run to your doorstep not more than 60 minutes after calling it on the phone. Pizza is the best friend you deserve. What a guy.
But some of us don't give 'za the respect it deserves. Some of us leave the humble pizza in the fridge too long, allowing it to die a slow, painful death inside a cold coffin instead of giving it the bin burial it deserves. Some of us just don't know when to humanely put it out of its misery, and drag out its suffering for far too long just so we can satisfy our hunger. And that, right there, when we consume old, weak and ill pizza is where the repercussions get a little, er, messy.
Thankfully, a writer at The Lad Bible has come up with the exact moment to dispatch your cheesy disc of greatness.
Grilling the Food Standards Agency, this is what they decided upon:
"Takeaway leftovers should be stored, covered and kept in a fridge for up to two days. An exception to this is rice based dishes which should only be kept for one day."
Two days? Doesn't quite feel long enough to say your goodbyes, does it. Luckily, there is another way: cryogenics.
"You can also freeze takeaway food for up to three months but its quality is likely to diminish over time. If takeaway food is frozen, the food should be fully reheated within 24 hours of it being fully defrosted. Always defrost the food in the fridge. Before eating, also make sure the leftover food is reheated thoroughly by reaching a core temperature of 70˚C for two minutes or equivalent."
A hero's burial, if ever we've known one.
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