The clever guys over at Planet Money have realised something that we should have noticed a long time ago - namely, that a 12-inch pizza is more than double the size of an 8-inch.
The fact that no-one seems to have noticed it is baffling, as the common sense behind the idea is simple maths: because it is circular, a pizza's area increases with its radius.
Therefore whilst you might have been assuming that a 16-inch Hawaiian is only double the size of its 8-inch cousin, it's actually a whopping four times as big. Good news indeed, but does mean four times as many crusts.

In the wake of this discovery, the geniuses at GrubHub have helped create an interactive graph based on nationwide pizza prices that calculates just how much money you can save on pizza.
Unfortunately, the graph only exists for US prices at the moment, but the results are clear: opting for more dough could save some of your own.
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