No idea how much money to ask for in your next job? Or maybe you feel like you don’t get paid enough to do your job? You know the feeling, that secret burning sensation where you really think that you’re owed a pay rise.
The one that eats into you every single time you get asked to take on a little bit more work. “I’m too good for this damn job,” you probably say to yourself in angry echoey voice inside your head.
We’ve all been there. But how do you actually know how much you’re worth? How much you’re really worth based on all those years you’ve slogged to build up your CV?
Well now we know: Job search engine Adzuna has created a brand new site called ValueMyCV which lets you upload a PDF of your CV (you can download this from your Linkedin profile…) before scanning through it for less than half a minute to tell your estimated worth. The actual wage that they think you should be on, or at least asking for.
Using super smart ‘text mining’ technology the website essentially asses your qualifications, career, years of experience and keywords such as management or director, then runs your current role by the current industry standards. It’s surprisingly accurate.
It’ll also offer you advise on where you can improve your CV, keywords and even recommended jobs that you should be applying for.
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