Straight men are officially the worst people in the world at sex
But don't worry, apparently there's a way to fix it

Here’s a bit of news that will probably shock no one except the very people it’s about – straight men are the worst people in the world at sex.
We’re not just talking about the 16-year-olds who have no idea what the fuck they’re doing with it all either (you probably know what we mean here), nope, we’re talking about all straight men. Yes all men. We’re all rubbish at sex, compared with every other group, anyway.
This is according to a new study of 52,600 people which aimed to explore the “orgasm gap” (like the gender pay gap, but for banging) between people of different genders and sexual orientations.
The study found that straight women have the fewest orgasms, with 65% saying they usually climaxed during sex.
And what makes this worse is that the group that orgasmed most was… straight men, with 95%. So yeah, that stuff about straight men being lazy in bed really isn’t a myth.

The study, which was carried out by Indiana University, Chapman University and Claremont Graduate University, showed that the number of people who said they normally came during sex were:
- 65% of heterosexual women
- 66% of bisexual women
- 86% of lesbian women
- 88% of bisexual men
- 89% of gay men
- 95% of heterosexual men
It’s not really a surprise that of the six groups studied, the three who said they came most were men, and the three who came least were women.
And this study also seems to show pretty unequivocally that gay people are better at sex than straight people.

This could actually be the key to making straight men better at sex, too. Straight men need to learn from lesbian women, basically.
"The fact that lesbian women orgasmed more often than heterosexual women indicates that many heterosexual women could experience higher rates of orgasm,” the research team said.
So more oral and foreplay is what they’re saying here. Try to stop focusing on your dick for a bit and think about other things.
Indeed the researchers stated in their report that there was a clear link between more oral sex and more orgasms. It said: "Of particular importance was incorporating oral sex along with other activities during a sexual encounter".
Other things that led women to have orgasms more often, the BBC reports, were:
- Asking for what they wanted in bed
- Praising their partner for something they did in bed
- Calling or emailing to tease about doing something sexual
- Wearing sexy lingerie
- Trying new sexual positions
- Anal stimulation
- Talking about or acting out sexual fantasies
- Engaging in sexy talk and expressions of love during sex
So there you go, no excuses now, yeah?