Ever wondered why bus seats always have rubbish patterns? Here’s why…
Ever wondered why bus seats always have rubbish patterns? Here’s why…

Ever wondered why the average bus seat looks like it’s been styled on the an old shirt worn by Will Smith in Fresh Prince of Bel Air?
Probably not. But we’re going to explain why anyway just in case you get asked in a pub quiz or eventually find yourself in a perpetual state of agitation, sparked by their retina scarring eighties throwback patterns.
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The reason (it's nothing at all to do with bus designers having an obsession with retro chic) is actually far more thought out than you'd think. In fact, there’s actually a very complicated process in place to ensure that it's most effective.
You see, bus seats are so horrible to look at so that they hide how actually horrible they are. Their complex mind-reading designs are employed to hide unwanted graffiti and disgusting stains so that to a commuters eye, it's a normal (albeit, ugly) seat.
It’s an illusion, previously created by fabric designers with a knack for breaking up dull, worn down seats, but now created with specifically engineered design algorithms. Which might seem slight overkill, but when you watch the below video you’ll probably understand why they bother going through the effort. You’ll also probably never sit down on public transport again.
[Via: KongBlog]
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