7 houses whose Christmas lights are twenty times crazier than yours
7 houses whose Christmas lights are twenty times crazier than yours

Fancy making an enemy from your neighbour this December? Then take a leaf out of Matt Johnson’s book.
The Texan man and his family, who’ve pimped their home with lights for the past three years, have gone full-blown hypnotic with their festive get up this time around, and are sucking the neighbourhood’s electricity supply dry to the sweet sounds of dubstep. If you can watch the whole thing to the end without your irises burning into crisps and your ears turning to mush, you’re stronger than we are...
But the Johnson family’s eleven-minute LED display isn’t the only eye-melter to have us thanking the heavens we live next door to complete Scrooges. Check out six more houses that Santa couldn’t possibly miss this Christmas Eve...