This interactive map gives you all the free airport Wi-Fi codes
Never struggle for free internet at the airport again

Not all heroes wear capes. No, some just create a map of the world highlighting major airports and their free wi-fi passwords. Which is far more practical than Batman's overpriced gadgets and Superman's heat vision anyway.
Airports can be incredibly dull, especially if your flight is delayed and you have zero cash left over to spend on an overpriced book. But luckily blogger, Computer Security engineer and travel enthusiast Anil Polat of FoxnoMad has your back with a constantly updated list of wi-fi passwords for airports all around the globe.
At the minute there's only two British airports with codes available (Stanstead and Heathrow). He's dependent on keeping this list as updated as possible by getting people on their travels to send in the wi-fi codes of airports when they discover them, so next time you're travelling on your holidays and discover the key to unlocking some sweet, sweet internet, make sure to give him an email, so we can all defeat boredom by checking out memes on Instagram for free.