World's First Commercially Available Flamethrower is Here
World's First Commercially Available Flamethrower is Here

Well, what could possibly go wrong?
The world's first commercially available handheld flamethrower has been created, and it looks terrifying.
The XM42, made by Ion Productions, can launch flame to a distance of up to eight metres and is readily transportable, with no need for a backpack of fuel. Simply load up the refillable tank with regular, car-ready petrol and away you go.
Chris Bryars of Ion said, "We wanted to bring a device to the market that represents what a real flamethrower should be", while the blurb on the website says that it is a "fun device to enjoy with friends" and ideal for "clearing snow and ice, eliminating weeds, insect control, pyrotechnic event displays and bonfire starting".
Yes, yes that's exactly what people will be using it for.
Amazingly, flamethrowers are legal in America (well, compared to a gun it's pretty low key) other than in California; however, in the UK it would almost certainly be classified as a weapon.
Nonetheless, if you want to get your hands on one, just to take care of those flying ants in the summer, of course, you'll be able to preorder it via Indiegogo from next week for $700 with no background checks. Watch the video below to see it in all its glory and start readying your best Keith Flint impression.
[via Digital Trends]

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