A ridiculous supercut of all of James Bond's kills
A ridiculous supercut of all of James Bond's kills

We're not sure what it would take to kill James Bond. Sharks can't do it. Bullets appear to be magnetically repelled by his tuxedo-clad frame. After 23 films, we're starting to think that Bond is immortal.
His enemies on the other hand, are not.
In fact, they’re about as robust as a depressed lemming, such is their propensity to sprint off this mortal coil.
They are of course helped on their way by Bond with a blunt object and a sharp line. Indeed, Bond has despatched literally hundreds of people which, aside from making him potentially the biggest serial killer of all time, also makes for bloody good viewing.
And now you can watch every single kill back to back.
Some dedicated fan has cut together all of Bond’s kills and killer lines so sit back, clear a full 38 minutes from your schedule, and enjoy.
Got the point?
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