If one thing will never become extinct, it’s a good old-fashioned summer blockbuster. Particularly now Jurassic World has assaulted our nostalgia, decimating box offices worldwide.
Set 22 years since the ground-breaking and water-trembling antics of Jurassic Park, how times have changed. State-of-the-art pods and Seaworld-esque attractions mean tourists can now get as close to dinosaurs as they wish, while some science types are busy perfecting a fearsome dinosaur hybrid to attract visitor numbers. And you don't need us to tell how you this pans out...
To mark the film's success so far, we asked some of our favourite artists to design alternative posters and - well - the results are just magnificent.
Scroll to the bottom to see the names of this talented bunch. And let us know your favourite.

With thanks to our brilliant designers...
Ben Holmes, Paul Johnstone, Samuel Esquire, Matt Needle, Scott Woolston, Janée Meadows, Kate Jones, Mark Reihill, Chris Malbon, Michael Lee-Graham