When film fans and documentary makers look back at the emergence of CGI and performance capture technology in the world of cinema, one name is guaranteed a mention. From starring as Gollum and King Kong, to consulting on Avatar and Godzilla, Andy Serkis has had a hand in every major performance capture film in modern cinema.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes see Serkis return as Caesar. Now the alpha male of a flourishing colony of apes, their fledgling society is threatened when a group of humans stumble across the apes' woodland home. As war threatens to shatter both parties, Caesar is forced to revisit his human past.
Ahead of its UK release, we spoke to Serkis on exploring ape language in Dawn, directing The Jungle Book and Animal Farm and his upcoming role in Star Wars.
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is out now
(Images: Rex)
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