Here in 2012, there aren't a whole lot of reasons to still be quoting Friends. We've moved on, E4 has moved on and we hope you have as well.
But, when we start genuinely thinking about how much we love sandwiches, we can't help but recall Joey Tribbian's impassioned attempt to save a meatball sub from a bullet back in the day. If it came down to it, we'd probably do the same.
So even when we're busy watching a movie, there are no amount of explosions or twists that could distract us from a good sandwich scene. Here for your delectation, are cinema's most memorable sarnies:
Check out the world's craziest sandwiches here.
Sugar and cereal - The Breakfast Club
The sandwiches of our youth allowed for more wild invention than we could ever imagine in our, ermmm, early twenties. Just like Ally Sheedy's character in The Breakfast Club, we would throw caution to the wind and develop thrilling variations that would make our parents wince. And yes, that was often the point.
Mold - Minority Report
Proof here, if you ever really needed it, that eating a sandwich while wearing a blindfold is never a wise idea. Tom Cruise learns that lesson the very hard way in this clip. Tip for the future though: if you're ever in the admittedly rather niche situation, you might wanna utilise your sense of smell too...
Pastrami - When Harry Met Sally
Katz's Deli in New York should have given Rob Reiner a healthy commission for this iconic scene. While Billy Crystal enjoys an appetising pastrami sarnie, Meg Ryan's far less appetising "sandwich with everything taken off" gets ignored while she's showing him how women fake orgasms. But, but, the sandwiches! Pay attention people!
Roast beef - Diner
Now, sandwich eaters across the globe can be easily categorised as either a Speedy Gonzales or a slow coach. In this scene from Barry Levinson's classic, Steve Guttenberg wants to take his sweet time with his roast beef sandwich. But his glacial pace doesn't go down too well with Paul Reiser. Or us, if we're being truly honest.
Turkey - Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
Now, here's a situation we can empathise with. On one hand, we have a drunk girl who wants nothing more than a sandwich to make her feel better. On the other, there's a poor guy who doesn't really want to share his delicious sandwich with anyone else. This one tests our loyalties big time.
Hors D'oeuvres - Back to School
Stupid posh people with their stupid posh food. While it might look delicate and perfectly formed, it's usually served in frustratingly small portions. Therefore we can understand Rodney Dangerfield's desperate need for a big sandwich in this satisfying party scene. Not sure it would have gone down so well though...
Urine - National Lampoon's Vacation
It takes a lot to distract us while eating a sandwich but the sight of a circa-1983 Christie Brinkley dancing in the sun would probably do the trick. In this scene. Chevy Chase understandably falls for her ample charms and is prevented from sandwich chaos for almost enough time. But the inevitable breaded lure soon takes over and, well, disaster strikes...
Double Bologna - Troll 2
Now, anyone who knows anything about evil women or demonic trolls will know that eating a double bologna sandwich is the only way to really come out on top. Along with everything else in the so-bad-it's-absolutely-awesome classic Troll 2, this scene is completely incomprehensible. Which deserves some sort of applause really...
(Images: All Star, YouTube)
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