2017 is set to be yet another golden year for television and chief among the reasons for that is the return of one Better Call Saul.
Both season so far have been nothing less than a visual feast, with beautiful long scenes that are allowed to develop at their own pace, while the storyline gradually hooks you in, even though we all (unless you lived in a cave while Breaking Bad was on) know where everything is ultimately headed.
Now AMC has whetted our appetite for the show’s return with a (very) small teaser clip featuring the first piece of new footage. And without further ado, here it is – in gif form as the video embedded in the announcement tweet is rights-restricted in the UK.
The footage is telling as (SPOILER ALERT) the end of season 2 saw Chuck trick Jimmy into revealing that he’d tampered with court documents. It’s safe to assume that this recording has been handed over to police, putting Jimmy in serious hot water; although maybe the dastardly Chuck is blackmailing him instead?
All will be revealed when the series returns – with AMC saying it will launch in ‘spring 2017’, which sounds pretty soon to us. If it’s like the previous 2 seasons, there’ll be weekly episodes on Netflix, slowly building the tension in a manner not unlike the show itself; those seasons premiered 8 February 2015 and 15 February 2016 respectively, so we’d advise keeping your eyes peeled in the second month of 2017.
We can’t wait.
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