The best desk accessories
Working from home isn’t going anywhere, so let’s level up the kitchen table shall we?
That's where our best desk accessories guide come in. Whether it is practical, for show or entertainment, a desk accessory is an essential bit of WFH kit.
Now you have your shiny new desk - and if you don't yet have a chair, then may we recommend out best office chair and best budget office chair guide - these are the things, the gadgets, the gizmos that will elevate your setup from bland to bloody marvellous.
The best desk accessories
1. Noli Loop Cables
Cords. The bane of many a person’s life and a pain when working from home. Avoid the stress with a cable system that keeps everything secure. Wrapped in Kevlar, Noli’s Loop Cables with weighted dock are strong and perfect for any home, thanks to the available colour combinations. Perfect for quick charging - cables always beat wireless speeds - these offer peace of mind. Multiple options are available in both 1m and 2m lengths, both of which pack down when remote working.
2. Cora Standing Desk Converter
The science is clear, standing up is good for you. All day? Not so much. Use the Cora desk converter to take your desk vertical in an instant (and back) thanks to its sleek and simple to use frame. Perfect for small spaces , when it is fully extended you get 39.4 cm height and any level between unlike other, lesser, bulkier, desk-converters! Supports up to 10kg.
3. Hoverbar Duo tablet holder
With at least 50% of the UK owning at least one tablet, using the devices as a second screen is becoming increasingly common. Hoverbar Duo by Twelve South helps you avoid neck fatigue thanks to its highly flexible and adjustable neck and leg. Useful for a seperate Zoom screen, you can also use your tablet with an art service like Sedition ( to bring art to your desk or create a photo frame using your snaps too.
4. Vinyl Art Toy
The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Kidrobot have created a limited-edition 8-inch collection featuring some of the world's best artists. A new take on ‘The Great Wave’ by Katsushika Hokusais, this Munny will be an instant collector’s item as well as looking great on top of those books you keep meaning to read.
5. evaChILL cooler
Staying at the right temperature can impact how you think, work and react. Make sure everything is how you want it with a 3-in-1 personal air conditioner. Cooling, humidifying and cleaning the air, evaCHILL is an intelligent little cube that keeps you super focused during the hottest days and hydrated through the winter months.
6. Nanoleaf Elements
While not technically a SAD lamp, Nanoleaf’s new ‘Elements’ can keep you alert or relaxed at your command thanks to integrations with Google Assistant, Siri and Alexa. Organic in both look and feel, these smart hexagons are easy-to-install, customizable and look great whether on a wall or used flat. Mimic a campfire, design an amazing background or get better lighting, the choices are endless. Want more colour options? Plump for ‘Shapes’ or ‘Canvas’ versions of Nanoleaf if you want more colour options.
7. Flipo Flip stress reliever
Crowdfunded into existence, the Flipo Flip is an unsuspecting hit with top execs around the world. Possibly because it’s beautifully crafted from one piece of metal or the peculiar way the square flips, rolls, and falls at the same time. Whatever it is, it’s damn satisfying and relaxing. Available in aluminum and brass, Flipo Flip is perfect for anyone who has ‘that’ boss.
8. Anti-Anxiety Notebook
Working is stressful at the best of times, but never more so during a pandemic that seems hellbent on sticking around. The Anti-Anxiety Notebook is beautifully designed and features advice from more than a hundred Cognitive Behavioral Therapy therapists. Not only that, the workbook-style notebook helps you track thought patterns, emotions and a lot more besides. Use the tips, structured exercises and journaling to reduce stress and manage anxiety.
9. Oxo Cleaning Set
Oxo’s 3-piece Good Grips Keyboard & Screen Deep Cleaning Set is good for cleaning screens, getting rid of keyboard gunk and generally keeping your pinkies cleaner than the average bear. Place it by your desk to keep your working space clean, avoid eye strain and to take a break!
10. Molten Brown candle
Creating the right atmosphere for work is important. Set the three-wick Russian Leather from Molton Brown ablaze and get transported to a place that is described as ‘London via Siberia’. Burn for five hours at a time for optimum, long-lasting results and create a bold black tea and pine environment to increase focus and flow. Best of all? The glass container doubles as a superb plant holder or luxury pen pot. Top tip from Molton Brown, use two fragrances to delineate small spaces so you can wind down from work easier.
- The best desk lamps, revealed: first-rate desk lamps to light up your life with.