Beyond Snow White: 9 Disney classics we'd love to see get the live action treatment
If Snow White felt a bit dopey and left you sleepy, maybe Disney should try these adaptations next...

The live action remake of Snow White is now in cinemas, and by all accounts it’s a bit of a disaster. The popular knee-jerk response to this seems to be to question why Disney insists on dredging up its beloved classics in such a way.
There’s a simple (if cynical) one word answer to such a question of course: money. However, we’d like to propose a slightly more positive two word answer of our own: Jungle Book. Jon Favreau’s 2016 live action remake was a massive hit and, more importantly, a really good film.
It is possible to make good on the whole premise of reworking Disney’s animated classics. You just need to put the right talent in place to execute properly. More to the point, it’s vital that you pick the right property to rework in the first place.
We’re hopeful that Lilo & Stitch and Moana, both in production as we speak, are the right choices for this kind of treatment.
This got us to thinking: which of the remaining Disney animated movies would make for good live action remakes? We’re not necessarily talking about the best or most beloved Disney productions here, but rather those with the best raw materials for the cinematic experience.
We’ve also thrown a couple of left-field curve-balls in there that probably will never happen, but would be truly fascinating to witness.
1. Fantasia
You know when they say a novel is 'unfilmable'? Fantasia might just be un-live-remakable, and that’s what makes it fascinating.
The original is old and unusually high-concept, made up of eight animated accompaniments to classical music, with live interludes involving the musicians. How would you translate that for a restless, pop-saturated modern audience?
Then there’s the downright psychedelic nature of its content. In the right hands, Fantasia could become a latter day stoner classic. Which is probably why Disney wouldn’t touch it with a bargepole.
2. Bambi
After the cool reception to Disney’s entirely animal-led Lion King remake, a live action version of Bambi might seem like a silly idea. Such a project was said to be in the works as recently as 2023, but director Sarah Polley dropped out of the project last year.
We’re not sure if this one will end up in cinemas, but we’d be fascinated to see if it can pack anywhere near the same emotional wallop as the original, or if the dead-eyed uncanny valley effect would rob it of all its impact.
3. Treasure Planet
The early noughties were a lean time for Disney, even though its productions of the time showcased some outstanding animation and no little creativity. If anything, it’s these stories that are ripe for rediscovery rather than the syrupy ‘classics’.
Treasure Planet is itself a take on Robert Louis Stevenson’s famous novel, Treasure Island, but it applies a bracingly fresh sci-fi spin. It seems ideal for a special effects-soaked live action revision. We’re thinking a U-rated mash-up of Pirates of the Caribbean and Guardians of the Galaxy.
4. The Sword in the Stone
This one was said to be receiving the live action treatment as far back as 2015, and has since been stuck in development limbo for a decade. It’s currently on hold at Disney HQ, but a live remake actually makes a lot of sense.
The original is more than 60 years old now, and while it still packs plenty of charm, we’re not sure a younger audience would necessarily gel with its fuzzy visuals and old fashioned characterisations. However, its classic youth-oriented take on the King Arthur mythology seems ripe for reinvention.
5. The Emperor’s New Groove
Another technically stunning but relatively overlooked production from Disney’s lost decade, The Emperor’s New Groove deserves to find its audience.
If that’s not going to be though watching the original on Disney+, then there’s plenty of scope here for a live remake, with its memorable cast of (mostly) human characters and a pronounced comic tone. It also has an Incan-inspired Central American setting, which is something we haven’t seen an awful lot of in mainstream cinema.
6. Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Our third and final selection from Disney’s dismal ’00s (in box office terms, at least) is Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and it might just make the best film of the lot. This aquatic adventure sees an early 19th century expedition heading into the murky depths in search of the mythical lost city of Atlantis.
With a fresh Jules Verne-meets-steampunk setting and stunning CGI-bolstered animation – with input from Hellboy’s Mike Mignola – it doesn’t take a massive leap of imagination to see this for the big budget live movie it could be.
7. Frozen
Too soon? With Disney, surely nothing is off the table when there’s a buck to be made. And make no mistake, a live action remake of one of its biggest modern hits ($1.3bn at the box office) would make serious bank.
The internet has been abuzz with casting fantasies virtually since Frozen hit cinemas in 2013, with every kid of a certain age having their own take on who would make the perfect Princess Elsa and the ideal Anna. You’d better believe Disney isn’t going to let this one go.
8. Pocahontas
You get the impression that Disney is avoiding Pocahontas out of political skittishness. However, we reckon a live action remake could provide some valuable rehabilitation for a story that admittedly hasn’t aged all that gracefully.
There’s a strong whiff of colonial whitewashing to the original’s take on the historical Powhatan woman Pocahontas and her entanglement with English explorer John Smith. By ironing out the historical inaccuracies and casting well, however, it could bring what is still a widely beloved film up to date.
9. The Black Cauldron
While we’ve referred to the 2000s as Disney’s lost decade, the ’80s pushes it close. Who remembers The Black Cauldron? It seems to have come from a different era entirely to the subversive Who Framed Roger Rabbit? and the ’90s renaissance-presaging The Little Mermaid, but it preceded both by only a few years.
That in itself makes it an interesting prospect for live action rehabilitation, as does its dark fantasy setting inspired by Welsh mythology. In a post-Stranger Things world, it could be the next scary-but-safe YA hit.
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