If you've happened upon a trailer, poster, still or synopsis of Adam Sandler's latest Jack & Jill then your eyes probably rolled back so far in your head that you may have experienced temporary blindness.
The alleged comedy revolves around Sandler playing a brother and a sister. Eddie Murphy could only dream of this stuff. It's unsurprisingly been loathed by critics across America. Well, all except for one.
Armond White is a curious figure who writes faux-intellectual reviews that disagree with the majority of others. While he hated The Dark Knight, There Will Be Blood, Milk and Toy Story 3, he loved Grown Ups, Jonah Hex, Bandslam and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
His review for Jack & Jill is his finest work yet. Check out some of the best quotes:
"Adam Sandler’s comedies are not “dumb fun”; maybe that’s why they’re not in critics’ favor."
"He explores affection without the class and gender guilt Judd Apatow hides behind"
"Sandler’s real dare is to defend ethnicity—not piously but through comedy that has social and political effect"
"All Sandler’s best comedies (Grown Ups, Bedtime Stories, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry and the great Spanglish) are really love stories."
It's reviews such as this which have led many to believe he's just a troll and he's relishing the attention that his bizarre diatribes receive. What's more worrying is that the film just managed to make $27.5 million (£17.2 million) in its opening weekend. That's a lot of trolling.
(Image: All Star)
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