These retro redesigns of modern album covers are 10x better than the originals
We wish these were the real thing

There’s a trend in music at the moment for deliberately bad design in album covers. It’s fine, we get it, art goes one way, then reacts against it, so the anti-designed record sleeve was always going to happen.
But really, is there any excuse for this?

Honestly, why bother following a trend when you could – y’know – just make it look really, really good instead? How about having an album cover that, in 20 or 30 years’ time, people will look at and go: “yeah, that’s really, really beautiful”.
Much like these glorious alternative album covers, which have been designed by art director and graphic designer Patso Dimitrov. He’s posted a series of covers for recent hip-hop albums by the likes of Drake and Kendrick Lamar which imagines them set in a different time, and they are all utterly fantastic.
Can we get back to this stuff ASAP please? Thanks everyone.

(Images: Patso Dimitrov)