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16 December 2013
Our highlight of 2013 didn't arrive in the cinema or via the internet, but appeared on our digital watch last week at precisely 09:10 on 11/12/13. It's the little things.
Illustrator Mario Zucca has clearly had a far better year. The US-based artist has taken on the unenviable task of reducing 365 days of twerks, film releases and news events into one eye-straining image - Here's to 2013!.
From the Red Wedding to the death of Nelson Mandela, the return of Arrested Development to the arrival of Pacific Rim, there's much in here to remember (and plenty to forget).
You can read more on how Zucca planned out his image on his site, but he doesn't give you any hints on how to find Wally...
(Click to enlarge)
(Image: Mario Zucca via