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15 December 2014
A classic cult movie will never die; and so many of them get more popular with each year, that perhaps they won't be cult forever.
The legendary Crazy 4 Cult show is returning to Los Angeles, following two years in New York, for their 8th annual art collection. It was the first exhibition to only celebrate cult films and this year's effort sees 100 artists participating, with the standard as high as ever. Familiar artists, and brand new ones all contribute - the show runs at Gallery1988 until December 28th, with all works available to buy online.
We've selected our 20 favourite pieces below - you can see all of them at the Gallery1988 website.
(Images: Gallery1988/various artists)
Veks Van Hillik (Pan's Labyrinth)
Steve Holliday (Batman Returns)
Sam Gilbey (Napoleon Dynamite)
Andrew Heath (Pulp Fiction)
Eric Tan (Pulp Fiction)
Nathan Stapley (The Shining)
Jude Buffum (Harold & Maude)
Joshua Budich (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
Joey Spiotto (Donnie Darko)
Jason Masters (The Shining)
Andrew Heath (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
Ellen Wilberg (The Neverending Story)
Elias Stein (The Big Lebowski)
Eduardo Valdivieso (Predator)
Cuddles and Rage (The Cornetto Trilogy)
Claus (Back To The Future)
Clark Orr (Back To The Future)
Matt Chase (Back To The Future)
Ivan Minsloff (Beetlejuice)
Andy Statt Miller (The Big Lebowski)
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