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Amazing Film-inspired Maps

Amazing Film-inspired Maps

Amazing Film-inspired Maps
31 March 2014

Given the lack of 3G in Middle Earth, we’d strongly advise you avoid Google Maps when looking to plot a route into Mordor. Or 1885 Hill Valley for that matter.

Instead, try using this rather ace cartography from Andrew DeGraff, a Philadelphia-based artist who, for an upcoming solo show at LA's Gallery 1988, has painstakingly mapped out every location and character path from the Back To The Future trilogy right through to the realm from The Lord Of The Rings.

Other filmic locations to be given this in-depth treatment include the universe from Star Trek: Wrath Of Khan, the fantasy landscape from The Princess Bride, and, quite brilliantly, those mountainous lodgings from The Shining.

Map reading just got serious.


Back To The Future


The Princess Bride


Lord Of The Rings


Lord Of The Rings


Star Trek: Wrath Of Khan


The Shining