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Amazon makes a ton of kids programmes free to watch

Something to keep them busy

24 March 2020

With kids at home for the foreseeable future, there are a lot of parents out there trying to think of ways to keep things fun.

Obviously this involves crafts, exercise, learning and other creative activities. But there also comes a time when all you want to do is put your kid in front of Peppa Pig and have twenty minutes to yourself.

Luckily, Amazon Prime has your back. It's made all its kids programming free – meaning you don't need a prime account to access any of the shows on the platform.

This means there's a HUGE amount of free shows for your kids to watch.

There's the aforementioned, ubiquitous Peppa Pig, which will make a lot of parents very happy. Fireman Sam and In the Night Garden, other classics, will also be free to stream.

But there's also a bunch of originals worth checking out.

The Kung Fu Panda series has just launched, and there's Just Add Magic, which will work well for older children. As for films, The Fantastic Mr Fox, Paddington and Corpse Bride are all available.

Opening up the platform is obviously a goodwill gesture: there are a lot of children off school around the world and a lot of parents having to entertain them all day, both of whom Amazon are thinking of.

But with Disney+ launching today, Amazon may also be hoping that some of its customers won't be tempted away by pastures new.