Are these ‘lay-down’ workstations the desk of the future?
Are these ‘lay-down’ workstations the desk of the future?
Bearing in mind the superfluous office fixtures already popularised by Silicon Valley (hammocks, mini golf, cryogenic sleep chambers), standing desks have quickly become old-hat. Archaic. So 2014.
Right on cue comes the office furniture of the future: the Altwork Station, which may just be the most adjustable work desk we’ve ever laid eyes on.
Able to recline until you’re as flat as a pancake, the chair still holds up your laptop, monitor (via the standard VESA mount) and a small desk-like surface no matter how far back you go.
Feeling sleepy? One click of a button will allow you to swivel out from the chair, transforming the Altwork into a stand-up desk able to raise up and down to whatever height takes your fancy.
Pixar fans may be reminded of the desk-cum-pods which ferry around the mushy unexercised bones of obese Americans in Wall-E, but this slice of the future is available for pre-order now, priced at £3,000.
Surely a small price to pay for healthy work time?
Looks like the tables have turned. Literally.