Aziz Ansari responding to furious Yelp reviews is pure gold
Don't come at the Radiator Wizard and expect him to play nice
Aziz Ansari is nothing if not versatile.
The American comic returns to our screens this week in the second season of Master of None, which lands on Netflix on Friday. In the sitcom he plays the amiable Dev, an actor trying to find his big break in New York. Ansari portrays a relatable millennial man-child, based loosely, you imagine, on himself. But he’s just as happy to assume the role of a pissed off business owner reacting to a negative Yelp review.
The 34-year-old was a guest on Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show, where the pair decided to bring back a popular segment from earlier this year. The premise is simple: Fallon reads a variety of spectacularly moany reviews for everything from restaurants, to a dental surgery, to a radiator repairs service, and his interviewee comes back with the owners’ increasingly incredulous responses.
This being the internet, there was no shortage of passion on either side. If you give someone a keyboard, you can be sure they’re going to rant about chicken portions and the size of plastic utensils.
The highlight of the skit comes at the end, when Ansari becomes the “Radiator Wizard”, a man who knows exactly when to smash that caps-lock button.