The mystery of what exactly Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un discussed at last week’s summit in Singapore has been solved thanks to the people at Bad Lip Reading, YouTube’s premiere mouth-shape speculation channel.
It’s sort of nice, really. Kind of awkwardly charming. Weirdly cute, and cutely weird. It’s easy to watch it and think, ah, they aren’t monsters, they’re just goofy.
They’re not though, are they? They’ve both got blood on their hands.
It’s hard to work out what to think of cute-ifying politicians. There’s definitely something appealing about it - it’s pleasingly disrespectful without being aggressive, rendering powerful figures slightly impotent and toothless. Irreverent is a word that is often misused, but it feels like it applies here.
But the flipside of that is something like the Donald Trump hair-ruffling moment on Jimmy Fallon’s show, an incident many people felt over-humanised the then-candidate instead of challenging him.
None of this is to take away from the video, which is excellent, it’s just an interesting thing to think about.
Other excellent work by Bad Lip Reading includes their interpretations of Stranger Things, Donald Trump’s inauguration, Star Wars and the NFL.
(Pic: Getty)