It's a pretty accepted piece of wisdom that the one animal to be feared above all others is the serpent.
The bad rep of the snake has been in place literally since day one - with the evil serpent tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden and being persona non grata ever since. Now, while the animal itself is not entirely blameless - let's face it, there's a fair few pretty dangerous ones out there - it's often overlooked just how beautiful these creatures are.
This fantastic series by the Durban-based photographer Andrew McGibbon, entitled Slitherstition, aims to "challenge our conception of the snake being intrinsically evil". Photographed with warm light on bright colours, the sheer elegance of the creature is brought to the fore.
Take a look below at our 15 favourites - there's even more over at the Slitherstition Behance page. Make sure to follow Andrew's work at his Facebook page and website.
(Images: Andrew McGibbon)
Common File Snake - Gonionotophis capensis capensis
Forest Cobra - Naja melanoleuca
Coral Snake - Aspidelaps lubricus lubricus
Southern African Rock Python - Python natalensis
Ball Python - Python regis
Burmese Python - Python bivittatus
Rainbow Boa - Epicrates cenchria
Forest Cobra - Naja melanoleuca
Green Mamba - Dendroaspis angusticeps
Gaboon Viper - Bitis gabonica
Common File Snake - Gonionotophis capensis capensis
Ivory Ball Python - Python regius
Grey banded king snake - Lampropeltis alterna
Common File Snake - Gonionotophis capensis capensis
Puff Adder - Bitis arientans