Maybe you’ve fallen out of love with the denim jacket. It’s OK. It happens. If what they say is ‘nothing is forever’ then what makes, then what makes, then what makes, then what makes, what makes, what makes, denim jackets the exception? But the truth is, they can be a bedrock for everyone’s wardrobe: a trusty ol’ steed as things start to brighten up.
Wear them with a T-shirt underneath in summer or a chunky knit on Very British Springtime days; wear them with chinos or trousers or jeans, even. Double-denim is fine if you get the shade match right and make it look like you meant to do this (this last part of the rule pretty much goes for everything in life, tbh). Mostly, what you need to remember is that it’s just a denim jacket: and they’ve been cool forever. They were here before you and they’ll be here long, long after you, still plugging away, all denimy and nice, hard-wearing and good value, while you’re just some forgotten old bones in a box. Remember that. Never forget it.
Anyway, here are some nice jackets, broken up into different shades depending on your #mood:
Nudie Jeans Co Sonny Dry Denim Jacket, £120

A black denim jacket with black jeans, yes, but also with chinos (there’ll be a lot of that) and grey trousers, too. Maybe even white. A black denim jacket can also be ‘dressed up’ (don’t tell your dad) with a simple shirt or nicely cut T-shirt and a pair of straight black trousers. You’ll look so swish. Like Zac Efron or someone. Nudie Jeans Co are The Absolute Boys when it comes to denim, and even offer free repairs for pretty much all of their items, meaning that you’ll be covered no matter what awful mistakes you make. If only there was a Nudie Jeans Co but for personal relationships, am I right?
[These bits in bold are that nagging voice in the back of your head] Nice. But do you have pretty much exactly this but much cheaper, please?
They’re not gonna be quite as nice quality, you know…
Yeah, I know that.
OK then, sure. We got you. Try The Idle Man Denim Jacket (£45).
CMMN SWDN Boris Denim Jacket, £280

Despite their Swedish name and trendy hatred of vowels, CMMN SWDN are not actually based in a sprawling Stockholm lair, but a studio in the East End of London. But that initial subterfuge by-the-by, this boxy ‘Boris’ jacket offers form and function and fucking nice denim: a nice balance between mid-wash and the sometimes-too-difficult-to-wear selvedge indigo. It’s dark but not too dark, which is ideal. And it’s got sweet detailing like adjustable waist tabs if that whole loose-fit thing isn’t really your vibe.
Great! But, yeah… Got anything that’s a little, you know, less money?
Thought you might say that. Have some of this. A lot less money. Pull & Bear Denim Jacket (£19.99).
Acne Studios Tent Denim Jacket, £320

The midway point with a mid-wash, solid, sturdy, reliable construction, this time coming from Parisian label Acne Studios who, to be fair to them, really know their way around some clobber. Wearing these with chinos (told you they’d be back) is a good shout: darker navys can often bleed on the trouser (although black tends not to) and this lighter shade can make you feel dead summery while still being realistic for British springtime. A lovely little grey crew-neck sweatshirt wouldn’t go amiss here, either.
*pats pockets*
Okay, try this: Topman Denim Jacket (£45).
Levi’s Trucker Jacket, £85

The old master, Levi’s, and their denim jacket. An icon. Only… what’s this? It’s… my god, it’s sky blue. The easiest way to transition into coloured denim is to go for the most colourful blue. Makes sense, right? Also: see how he’s wearing it above? Wear it like that. (Thanks for the handy illo, Oi Polloi)
What about the price?
What about it?
Anything a little cheaper?
Afraid not. Better save up.
Albam Garment Dyed Utility Jacket, £199

Whoa. Yeah. Crazy, right? Lavender! Or, if you listen to Albam, one of our favourite British designers, and their product descriptions: ‘Lavender Fog’. This shade is actually quite simple to wear: a light shade that’ll look cool with blue jeans or as a pop of colour to all black. Don’t go all lavender, though. That’s a bit much.
Cheaper? Starting to notice a format developing here. Have a bang on this instead: Weekday Core Burned Jacket (£55). This time, it’s orange. Quite hard to track down lavender jackets, if I’m being honest.
Levi’s Steel White Denim Trucker Jacket, £85

Once the domain of undercover Miami cops who fight drug dealers who are just trying to get by as immigrants in new climes and creepy nightclub promoters who have never had a relationship longer than three months, the white denim jacket is actually a worthy spring/summer wardrobe staple. It might feel ostentatious (OOH, IT’S SO WHITE!) but you wear white shirts, don’t you? Quit your bellyaching. Wear it like you would an undone Oxford button-up. That’s it. Easy as that. Wear it with anything that won’t bleed (so… chinos or trousers, mostly) and you’ll be fine. Then all you’ll need to do is pray that you don’t get splashed on the way to work.
That is nice.
Is a bit, innit?
Yeah. Surprised actually.
Glad to finally win you over, if I’m honest.
Yeah. Help me out.
OK. This one (H&M Denim Jacket ,£34.99) is beige. Basically the same deal, though. Happy now?
I never will be, but thank you.