Want to secure that new job? Apply at this exact time of the week
The hidden secret of job hunting, according to research

Days dragging on? Sense of dread every morning? Overwhelming desire to spend the day in bed? It might be time for you to get a new job.
However, if you’ve started the application process, you can be prone to overthinking things. You might hold off on sending an application early because you’re worried it makes you seem more eager, for example, only to then forget about it and miss the boat.
Not everyone will get the chance to drink gin and tonics or coach FIFA players for a living, but there are a few things you can do to boost your chances of finding the perfect job.
In fact, one of the main ones could be as simple as being smart about the time you apply for a new position.
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According to research from mobile hiring company Job Today, the key to at least getting an interview could be to apply at 9am on a Wednesday.
Almost half (47%) of those who applied on Wednesdays earned themselves interviews within 24 hours, based on figures covering April-June 2018.
Additionally, the numbers found that more than 17% of employers post adverts for new jobs on a Wednesday - above the 14% you’d expect on an equal seven day split.
Co-Founder of Job Today, Polina Montano, said:
“It can feel tough getting a job and easy to feel a bit lost which is why we try and give advice, tips and support to each job hunter. I would always recommend being enthusiastic and start early in the day to look for a role whilst others might be having a lie in.
“Our insight shows that by lunchtime on Wednesday employers will start to receive a flurry of applications so why not get in there first and get noticed.”

The research also found that job-seekers under the age of 25 seem to have few qualms about moving for work, with just 3% citing the importance of a job being close to their home when searching.
For them, what’s far more important is the actual position, suggesting younger job-seekers may still be dead set on finding their dream job and making a career of it.
Now you’re in better shape for securing an interview, it’s time to think about what you really want to do. Why not start right here with the most satisfying jobs around?
(Images: Pexels)