Better Call Saul has announced its sixth and final season – and it looks like some loose ends are going to be tied up.
Speaking at a panel to celebrate the show's fifth season, which has just been released, creators Peter Gould and Vince Gilligan revealed some exciting details about how the show is going to end.
Firstly, we know the final series is going to be thirteen episodes long – slightly longer than a normal season of the show. "I was proud to be part of Breaking Bad because... with some help we managed to stick the landing on those 62 episodes, and we're going to try like hell to stick to the landing on these 63 episodes."
That doesn't mean it's going to feel exactly like the last season of BB, though. "It's going to seem different, but it's almost the exact same number of episodes," Gilligan said.
As for who'll be appearing in the show, the pair gave some insight in their Q&A. Aaron Paul already ruled out appearing on the show, though Gilligan said it would be "awesome".
But Dean Norris, who famously played Hank in Breaking Bad, appears in episodes three and four of the new season. And Robert Foster, who played Ed on the show, will have one last appearance in the show: he sadly died in October 2019.
If you're worried you're going to have to wait for season six as long as you had to wait for season five, no need to panic – it's going to be less than a year. "You're watching season five, but we're talking about season six, which will be premiering next year," Gould said.
In the meantime, check out our pick of the best Netflix TV shows to tide you over.
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