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Black Mirror season 7 release date and trailer lands

A touch of dystopian future for your dystopian present?

14 March 2025

Black Mirror season 7 is almost here, and its return has been celebrated with a tasty teaser.

We’re well aware some of you will want to take a zero-spoilers approach to this latest Black Mirror series, so let’s start with the most inoffensive factoids. Black Mirror season 7 is due out on April 10th, on Netflix, and will be comprised of six episodes.

This means they’ll land just under two years after season six.

Not afraid of a spoiler or two? Here’s the teaser:


While you might have a bit of a job picking apart elements from different episodes in this teaser, there’s quite a lot to see here.

In classic Black Mirror fashion, there’s an episode where AI creations have the consciousness of a real person, and appear to go — at least a little bit — rogue.

There appears to be a more straight sci-fi episode with a blue-skinned alien and Star Trek-grade spacecraft. It’s also clear Black Mirror season 7 has an absolutely cracking cast.

Stars on the roll call include Will Poulter, Awkwafina, Chris O’Dowd, Paul Giamatti, Peter Capaldi, Christin Milioti and more.

And we’re not just seeing a few returning stars here, but returning characters too. One of the episodes will act as a return to season four’s Callister ep, while Will Poulter is expected to reprise the role he played in slice of experimental film-making Bandersnatch.

This season was confirmed back in November 2023, not long after the sixth season aired.

According to Netflix’s What We Watched report from the second half of 2023, the last season was the 61st biggest show in the period after it came out. However, it also brought with it a renewed interest in the entire Black Mirror run, which we expect to see fired up again in this run up to the seventh season.

Who's up for a re-watch?

All six episodes of Black Mirror season 7 will be available to stream on Netflix from April 10.