The Boba Fett movie is going ahead with the director of 'Logan'
The universe's best/worst bounty hunter is getting his own movie

Which Star Wars spin-off will come next, guys? We’ve just had Han Solo, and there are rumoured offshoots focusing on Lando Calrissian, Yoda and Jabba the Hutt in the discussion stage, but who will actually be next?
Well, it looks like it might be Boba Fett, the most feared bounty hunter in the universe (unless he’s next to a big pit or something), who first popped up in The Empire Strikes Back, before being unceremoniously rinsed into the Sarlacc’s big gob in Return Of The Jedi. His only other appearance was a younger version of him sneaking into Attack of the Clones, but let’s not talk about that.
Anyway, the character might not actually have died in Empire, as many people have noted, with certain comic continuities even explicitly showing him escaping the pit. As such, they can easily make a solo Fett movie. As in, a movie all about Fett, not a movie about Solo and Fett, if you catch my drift.

Darth: Oi don’t die in a fucking pit, Boba
Boba: Haha this isn’t 300 you berk!
And it seems like this very idea is going ahead, with James Mangold (director of Logan) at the helm. This can only be good news, seeing as Logan was right good, and his experience with other westerns like 3:10 to Yuma make him a good choice for a dusty old time with Boba and co.
The movie has been gestating for a while now, with Josh Trank (Chronicle) working on it for about a year before either leaving or getting fired - it’s conflicting reports all over the shop with this one. Simon Kinberg (who wrote one good X-Men film) has also been attached since 2012, but it’s unclear what role he’ll be playing now it’s been handed to Mangold.
Either way, Mangold is currently in pre-production on Ford v. Ferrari (starring Christian Bale and Matt Damon), a film about a rivalry between the two car companies, so it’s not likely to be the next Star Wars film. We’ve got Episode IX coming first, anyway, but after that, it’s all up in the air - just know that Boba is definitely coming, and he’s coming for YOU! Unless there’s a pit nearby!
(Image: Lucasfilm)
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