Brilliant Time Lapse of Puppies Running For Dinner
Brilliant Time Lapse of Puppies Running For Dinner

We all look forward to dinnertime, but perhaps not as much as dogs do. For them, it's singularly the most important event of the day, pushing cat-chasing and sleeping some way into the distance.
One owner took the opportunity to use this daily event to film their two golden retriever puppies, Bleu and Colby, as they grew up, from 11 weeks of age to 46 weeks.
The same enthusiasm can be found with each clip, although their sureness of footing on a slippery surface is, hilariously, not maintained in a similar fashion.
You can follow the brothers on Instagram at @CheesePups; which you should do immediately, alongside our other 18 top dogs of Instagram.
And if you're in the mood for some more canine entertainment, here's the heartwarming time lapse of a dog filmed every day of its life.
All this just makes us think that that Beethoven big screen reboot is well overdue: Hollywood, are you listening?