UK's Biggest Spider Caught On Camera (And Creepily It Was Surrounded By Dead Spiders)
UK's Biggest Spider Caught On Camera (And Creepily It Was Surrounded By Dead Spiders)

Yep, you read that right. Britain’s largest spider, one that can measure up to five inches in diameter, has been spotted in Kent. Not only that, it’s been caught being all spidery and creepy on camera.
And when it was found it was surrounded by dead spiders. Because it eats other spiders.
Identified as a Segestria Florentina (which is tricky to say so most people call them Tube Web Spiders) the arachnid was discovered by Matthew Field who, obviously channeling his inner 12-year-old, decided the scientific thing to do would be to poke it with a stick.
Field found the eight-legged freak in his garden where it appeared to be living in a rolled up piece of canvas surrounded by the sucked-out corpses of loads of other spiders.
“It startled me – it wasn’t happy that I had disturbed it and it definitely eats spiders as prey,” said Field in spidery speculation.
He then showed compassion to the creature by letting it live in his garden rather than bashing it to death with the aforementioned stick.
Presumably the spider will recognise this as weakness and eventually move into his house and before long, conduct a highly intense and well thought out arachnid siege before further world domination.
According to researchers Tube Web spiders are not dangerous. They do, however, bite. But who the hell really knows.
Here's the terror in action...