What would we all do without Wikipedia?
Before Wikipedia, how did anyone know anything at all? Sure, I’ve heard about these things called ‘books’, but honestly, who’s got the time or the patience to go reading one of those. I imagine that before Wikipedia, whenever anyone was asked about a fact or something, they’d just freeze, like a computer that’s gone wrong, judder about a bit and then collapse to the floor until someone gave them a kick to restart them.
Anyway, as well as being the best place to find out anything at all (academics may disagree but, let’s face it, it’s true isn’t it), it’s also the absolute best place to discover lists of things that you never knew existed.
Exhibit A: a list of Soviet space dogs
Exhibit B: a list of humourous units of measurement
And Exhibit C: a list of British regional nicknames
Yes, that’s a list of British regional nicknames, aka the ridiculous words we’ve come up with over the centuries to describe people from various parts of this Sceptred Isle.
And, and you’d expect, they are ridiculous. So read the following, and start affectionately calling your mate from Hull a ‘cod-head’ at every conceivable opportunity.
Aberdeen: A Don, (originally a football term, it is now used to describe anyone from Aberdeen and surrounding area)
Arbroath: Red Lichtie or Lichtie, Codheid
Barnsley: Tykes, Colliers (a former mining community), Dingles (by people from Sheffield)
Bacup: Bacupian (this name has developed as there is a popular joke in the area that people from Bacup are their own separate species)
Barrow in Furness: Shipbuilder
Belfast: McCooeys
Birmingham: Brummie
Black Country: Yam Yam, Ninehead
Blackburn: The chosen ones
Blackpool: Sand grown ‘un, Donkey lasher, seasiders,
Bolton: Trotter
Bramley (West Yorkshire): Villager
Brighton: Jug (archaic)
Bristol: Ciderhead
Burnley: Dingles, a reference to Burnley’s proximity to Yorkshire, Lancashire/Lancs and the other family from the TV soap opera Emmerdale (normally used by people from Blackburn, Preston and other parts of Lancashire)
Bury: Shakers
Caernarfon: Cofi
Caithness: Gallach
Carlisle: Carliol
Ceredigion: Cardi
Chesterfield: Spireite
Colchester: Colchie, Roman, Camuloonie, Steamie, Castler, Cross’n’Crowner (after Colchester’s coat of arms).
Corby: Plastic Jocks
Cornwall: Kernowick, Merry-Jack, Mera-Jack, Uncle Jack or Cousin Jack (when abroad).
Coventry: Godivas
Cranfield: Fr. Damien, Gummy Bear, Mountain Fakoor (Dummy version)
Crawley: Insect
Crewe: Chip Eater
Darlington: Quaker
Devon: Janner
Doncaster: Flatlander (especially by people from Sheffield), Knights, Doleite
Dumfries: Doonhamer
Durham: Posh Geordie, Cuddy, Pitt Yakker (due to Durham’s mining heritage)

Time to get off if you’re a chip-eater
Eastbourne: Winnicks or Willicks (dialect name of a guillemot or wild person)
Edinburgh: Edinbourgeois, Edinbugger
Essex: Essex Calf (archaic), Eastie, Esser, wideboys, Saxon, sexy, Scimitars (from the County Arms)
Fraserburgh: Brocher
Frodsham: Cheshire, Jowwy/Jowie Head (from old Cheshire/Runcorn meaning Turnip, reference to the rural position of the town)
Glasgow: Keelie, Weegie
Goole: Goolie
Grimsby: Cod Head (after the fishing port in Grimsby), Grimmy
Gillingham: Chavs, Medwayers
Gosport: Turk-towners
Great Yarmouth: Yarcos
Hampshire: Hampshire Hog, Bacon Face (reference to Hampshire as a pig-raising county in former times)
Hartlepool: Monkey Hanger, Poolie
Hawick: Teri
Haydock: Yicker
Highlands and Islands (of Scotland): Teuchter, used by other Scots and sometimes applied by Greater Glasgow natives to anyone speaking in a dialect other than Glaswegian
Hinckley: Tin Hatter
Hull: Cod Head, Hully Gully
Kent: Yellow Tails (French nickname for people from Kent)
Ipswich: Tractor Boys
Isle of Wight: Caulkhead (named after the caulking of boats) Historically Corkhead - Caulkhead is an urban myth perpetrated after the Isle of Wight County Press received no replies to its inquiry on the origins of Corkhead in the 1970s
Heywood (Greater Manchester): Monkey town
Lancashire: Yonner (specifically south-eastern Lancashire)
Leeds: Loiner
Leicester: Rat-eye (from the Roman name for the city: Ratae), Chisits (from the pronunciation of “how much is it,” which sounds like “I’m a chisit”); Foxes, Bin Dippers (named after Foxes)
Leicestershire: Beanbelly (from the eating of broad beans)
Leigh: Lobbygobbler, Leyther
Lincolnshire: Yellow Belly (after a species of frog common in the Lincolnshire and East Anglian Fens)
Linlithgow: Black Bitch, from the burgh coat of arms
Littlehampton: LA, from the local accent being unable to pronounce the h in hampton
Liverpool: Scouse or Scouser, Mickey Mouse
(Plastic Scouser: a person who purports to be from Liverpool, but is not)
(Woolyback, or Wool: anyone not from Liverpool, but in particular refers to people living in the surrounding towns such as Birkenhead, Ellesmere Port, Runcorn, Warrington, Widnes, Wigan and St Helens)
Llanelli: Turk
London: Del Boy, Shandy, Cockney (East End)
Luton: Hatter

Leeds: home of the Loiners
Manchester: Manc
Mansfield: Scabs (very offensive, linked to the divisions during the UK miners’ strike (1984-1985)), The Stags
Malmesbury: Jackdaw
Middlesbrough: Smoggie, an abbreviation of Smog Monster
Milton Keynes: Cattle, Plastic Cow-Jockey, Thief (reference to the transfer of Wimbledon football club to Milton Keynes).
Montrose: Gable-endies
Nantwich: Dabber
Neath: Abbey-Jack, blacks, black-jacks.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Geordie, Magpie, Mag
Northern England: Northern Monkey
North Shields: Fish Knabber
North Wales: Gog
Norwich: Canaries, Country Bumpkin, Norfolk Dumpling,
Nottingham: Bogger, Scab (insult; see Mansfield)
Nuneaton: Codder, Treacletowner
Oldham: Yonner (from Oldham pronunciation of ‘yonder’ as in ‘up yonner’) Roughyed
Paisley: Buddie
Peterhead: Bluemogganer, Blue-Tooner
Plymouth: Janner. Originally a person who spoke with a Devon accent, now simply any West Countryman. In naval slang, this is specifically a person from Plymouth.
Portsmouth: Pompey, Pomponian, Skate, Pompeyite
Redcar: Codhead
Rotherham: Chuckle, Rotherbird
Royston, Hertfordshire: Crows
Rye: Mudlarks
Selkirk: Souter
Shavington: Tramp
Sheffield: Dee daa, Steelmekker
South Shields: Sand dancer
Southampton: Mush, Scummer
Southern England: Southern Fairy, Shandy Drinkers
Southport: Sandgrounder
Stockport: Stopfordian (from an old alternative name for Stockport)
Stoke-on-Trent: Potter, Clay Head, Stokie, Jug Head
Strood: Long tails, Stroodle

All aboard, you plastic cow-jockeys!
Sunderland: Mackem
Sutherland: Cattach
Swansea: Jack, Swansea Jack
Swindon: Moonraker
Tamworth: Tammy’s, Sandyback, after the Tamworth Pig, Three Wheeler after the Reliant Robin.
Tarbert, Loch Fyne: Dooker (named after guillemot and razorbill, sea-birds once a popular food among Tarbert natives)
Teesside: Smoggie, ‘Borough Boys (after Middlesbrough)
Telford: Telf, Chav
Wallingford: Wally
Walsall: Saddler
Warrington: Wire, Wirepuller (after the local wire industry),
Watford: Vegetable, YellowBellies
Welshpool: Souped
Westhoughton: Keawyeds (Cowheads, after local legend)
West Riding of Yorkshire: Wessie (in other parts of Yorkshire)
Weymouth and Portland: Kimberlin (Portland name for a person from Weymouth)
Whitehaven: Marra, Jam Eater
Widnes: Chemic, Widiot, Woolyback, or Wool: anyone not from Liverpool, but in particular refers to people living in the surrounding towns such as Birkenhead, Ellesmere Port, Runcorn, Warrington, Widnes, Wigan and St Helens
Wigan: Wiganer, Pie-eater, Pie-nosher, Purrer
Wiltshire: Moonraker
Winsford: Plastic Scouser
Wolverhampton: Yam yams (from local dialect where people say “Yam” meaning “Yow am” meaning “You are”)
Worthing: Pork-bolters
Workington: Jam Eater
Wrexham: Goat
York: Yorkie
Yorkshire: Tyke
(Main image: Pixabay / Deviantart, other images: Rex/iStock)