It can be like a light bulb pinging quite suddenly in the back of your mind - what Albert Einstein might have called a eureka moment . It can come at any moment and the consequences can be quite startling.
All it takes is a simple idea – coupled with passion and determination - to come up with the next big thing.
innocent smoothies is one of the best known entrepreneurial success stories, which is why the third chapter of their series of inspirational evenings, innocent Inspires, focused on entrepreneurialism and how to turn your idea in to a successful business.
With a line up of brilliant entrepreneurs who drew on their own experiences to encourage the audience see the potential in their ideas, the evening was full of inspirational ideas, tips and stories.
innocent co-founder Richard Reed was joined by speakers including Eben Upton of tech charity Raspberry Pi and Martin Morales, the brains behind hot restaurant Ceviche
Fancy hearing how to become your own boss? Watch a video of the evening here.