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Classic films (in four icons)

Movie posters simplified

Classic films (in four icons)
26 January 2011

For those of you who enjoy playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon and also possess an enviable amount of creative computer skills, there's a new game that you might get a whole load of enjoyment out of.

How many classic films can you explain in just four icons? Visual designer Kyle Tezak has been attempting to try this with some of his favourite films and released some rather awesome images as a result.

So far he's covered 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Great Gatsby, The Big Lebowski and Romeo & Juliet and he's promised us more. When finished, he might be making an all-encompassing poster too.

Personally, we're all up for requests. What's the toughest film to sum up in four icons? Tweet us at @shortlist with your ideas.

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