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David Cameron apologises for #piggate

David Cameron apologises for #piggate

David Cameron apologises for #piggate
Danielle de Wolfe
22 September 2015

More: Now Even The Russians Are Trolling Cameron Over #Piggate

Looks as if David Cameron’s finally apologised for his ‘sickening if exhilarating wild misbehaviour molesting innocent pigs’.

Oh no, wait, no - this is actually the effort of YouTube whizz Jon Harvey, reworking an earlier interview with the Prime Minister on the Andrew Marr show to imagine what it might be like if he fessed up to #piggate, along with answering some serious questions about Benedict Cumberbatch and Nigel Farage's mother.

Cameron’s actual apology on Marr’s BBC show, you may remember, concerned his remarks of the Queen’s jubilant reaction to Scotland voting no in the recent referendum. With this video emerging, we bet Cameron’s wishing he’d explained his regret over radio.

Only time will tell whether the PM actually does confront the tabloid accusations, but with even Russia growing suspicious, could the crude charges leveled against him be true?

He did ask us all to support West Ham...

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