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DC has just announced the ultimate app for comic-book fans

Finally, Marvel Unlimited has a rival.

20 January 2021

DC has just announced that it is overhauling its DC Universe subscription service, ditching the TV and movie stuff and focusing the app purely on comics.

The move also sees a name change to the app. Now called DC Universe Infinite it is setting itself up as a rival to Marvel Unlimited, offering as much comic content you can read for a monthly fee.

DC has gone through some massive changes in the last few months and it is set to go through a lot more. With its teaming up with HBO Max for TV and movie streaming, it makes a whole lot of sense that it would look at DC Universe and tweak the app.

These changes are welcomed as it now means that DC comic-book fans have a dedicated place for the comics they want to read. The app also comes with an improved UI and there is easier curation, too - so users can compile lists of the comic books they want to read, put them in order and the like.

If you are already a subscriber to DC Universe, then the good news is that the new app recognise any old library and lists you have and it will also remember where you are in any particular comic you are reading.

There will be more than 24,000 comics on the service at launch and it will cost $7.99 a month, or $74.99 a year. There's good news, too, for those who like their comic books a bit more adult focused. Vertigo and DC Black Label issues will be available through the app, including Preacher and Hellblazer.

The service begins in the US 21 January, with no news as of yet of a UK rollout. Given that there are no longer shows in the app, we reckon it should be coming to the UK soon.