Here's the final brilliant 'Deadpool 2' trailer - say hello to Peter
We have found the greatest comic book character in history

Deadpool 2 is shaping up to be better than the original, according to test screenings, and this latest, final trailer seems to confirm that fact quite reassuringly. Of course, all this will hinge on whether you find the time-honuored old faithful of ‘the fart joke’ funny, because we’re certainly heading down Puerile Avenue with a Deadpool film. In fact, it’s almost his entire modus operandi.
Thankfully, it seems many people are extremely childish at heart, so I can see this one doing big numbers, baby. Here’s why:
Come on, it’s Peter isn’t it? Peter is the star of this wonderful show. Peter - the greatest character in comic book movie history.
Forget all the other gun-toting, sword-wielding ultra-strong superheroes on show, it’s Peter that’s stolen our hearts. And he actually has, because he’s already the talk of the town (the ‘town’ being the ‘internet’), with a wealth of theories and riffs on what part he plays in the whole thing.
One convincing theory seems to point to him being Pete Wisdom, a suit-wearing bloke who just so happens to be able to shoot plasma blades out of his hands. This theory is backed up by the character having his own Twitter account, under the name Pete. W (it’s definitely worth a follow by the way):
But even if it’s not, I’m happy to watch him skydive over and over and over again until I die.
Oh, and I would absolutely watch this, 10/10:
Deadpool 2 is out May 15.
(Image: Fox)