If you spend enough time, passion and effort with your work then you're allowed to feel a tad peeved when someone decides to re-do everything you've done in a usually inferior way.
So we can understand the often infuriated reactions of directors who find their movies remade in front of their very eyes.
Here are seven directors who voiced their opposition.
Paul Verhoeven - Total Recall
“Arnold being [in the original] made the movie a little light, and I think that’s very important for these Philip Dick stories. I think if it would have been done in a straight way, I’m not so sure that it would have worked – at least, not at that time. And recently [in the remake], it did not. I get to say that because the producer of the new one said that [the original] was cheesy or something. And Colin Farrell called it in an interview ‘kitschy.’ So I dare to say that his version was not good.”
Robin Hardy - The Wicker Man
"I watched it with a certain amount of schadenfreude, that they could have made such a mess of it"
Alan Parker - Fame
"It's a bit like being mugged. Such are the realities of Hollywood manners and American copyright law"
Richard Donner - The Omen
George A Romero - Dawn of the Dead
"It was more of a video game. I'm not terrified of things running at me; it's like Space Invaders. There was nothing going on underneath."
Mike Hodges - Get Carter
"I don't know why they decided to remake it. For the amount of money spent on it they could have made plenty of original films. Unfortunately I couldn't stop them remaking it."
John Milius - Red Dawn
"It was terrible. There was a strange feeling to the whole thing. They were fans of the movie so they put in stuff they thought was neat. It’s all about neat action scenes, and has nothing to do with story."
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