This childhood photo will blow your brain to smithereens
This childhood photo will blow your brain to smithereens

Your Tuesday's about to get pretty damn freaky.
A couple in China were deciding which pictures to use for their upcoming wedding when they happened upon this: a childhood photo of husband Hedong Zhang on holiday in 2000.

He’s standing in front of the Giant Buddha statue at Ling Shan Mountain, age 14. But when his then-fiancé peered a little closer, she recognised a figure in the background.


"That’s right: Mummy Lu confirmed the discovery by digging out an old holiday picture of herself – in exactly the same outfit, on exactly the same spot, 15 years before the happy couple had met.
They even kept the ticket stubs for the trips (which is even weirder than the coincidence, if you ask us. Who keeps holiday tickets for 15 years? Their drawers must be a dreadful) and the details matched, including the bus they used to get to the site.
The couple told the story to guests at their wedding as proof that their relationship was meant to be. Lo told Hangzhou Daily: "My husband said, ‘Although we didn’t know each other then, the skies must’ve planned this for us 16 years ahead of time.’ With this incredible story, we’ll cherish our love even more."