One need only cast their eye over our Twittersphere to appreciate that ShortList appeals to both ladies and gents. Try as we did to position ourselves as too moucho for the fairer sex (grew a moustache, talked about wrestling ) the finer fragranced humans still enjoyed our work.
As such, we feel duty bound to flag up a new daily email from the makers of Stylist, our sister publication that, in fairness, doesn't have quite the cross-sex appeal that we do.
Emerald Street is a free email service which provides you with the latest news on your local restaurants and bars as well as pieces on art, culture, careers and books. You can also enter into their exclusive competitions - there's an £8000 holiday up for grabs for people signing up right now.
All you need to do is sign up to the mailing list on Facebook or on their website here and you’re all set. Just make sure you don't forget about us, ladies.
Right where were we? Erm, football! Barbecues! Ale! Man business!