That much-discussed Entourage movie is to actually become a reality. No, not Aquaman directed by James Cameron, the long-running joke of the early seasons, but a feature-length follow-up to the series about men trying to make it in various areas of the film industry, hugging slightly violently and sleeping with most of the town’s female population.
Ever since Entourage ended in 2011, after eight successful seasons, there has been talk of a possible movie spin-off, but since this is something that happens with almost every departing hit TV show – how’s that Friends movie coming? – there was little expectation that it would actually happen. And yet lo, last night Warner Bros did give it the greenlight and all did rejoice.
Series creator Doug Ellin has written the script and will direct the movie, but that’s just about it as far as detail goes. Talks have begun with the lead quintet – Adrian Grenier, Kevin Connolly, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara and, of course, Jeremy Piven – but nobody is yet signed and there’s no start date for shooting. The transfer from small screen to big can be a tricky one, but the success of two Sex and the City movies and the enormous amount of money made by the Inbetweeners Movie show it can be done successfully.
The movie will reportedly pick up about six months after the show ended when, without wanting to spoil anything, super-agent Ari Gold was forced to make a choice between keeping his long-suffering wife and achieving his professional dream. Expect that to be resolved and, given the connections of executive producer Mark Wahlberg, many, many cameos from very, very famous people.
Via: Deadline