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From Bottle Rocket to Asteroid City — Wes Anderson retrospective exhibition will hit London Design Museum in 2025

The exhibition will cover the director's complete filmography, from early experiments to Hollywood hits.

From Bottle Rocket to Asteroid City — Wes Anderson retrospective exhibition will hit London Design Museum in 2025
Gerald Lynch
23 September 2024

The perfect symmetry of Wes Anderson’s movies will be explored in a newly-announced exhibition taking place at London’s Design Museum next year.

Running from 21st November 2025 to 4th May 2026, the exhibition will put the director’s entire filmography under the spotlight: from his earliest film student shoots to his big(ger) budget feature-length debut Bottle Rocket, right up to his latest Hollywood release Asteroid City.

“Each Wes Anderson picture plunges the viewer into a world with its own codes, motifs, references, and sumptuous and instantly recognisable sets and costumes,” reads the London Design Museum invitation.

“This exhibition will be the first time museum visitors have the opportunity to delve into the art of his complete filmography, examining his inspirations, homages, and the meticulous craftsmanship that define his work.”

Anderson’s the perfect fit for a Design Museum movie retrospective. Anderson’s work is instantly recognizable — pastel color palettes, symmetrical set design, mid-century sartorial nods — and the Design Museum will be showcasing a curated collection of costumes, props and personal belongings to offer insight into Anderson’s creative process.

Critical Dahl-ing

It’s already proving a busy year for Anderson, who adapted four Roald Dahl short stories into Netflix’s anthology collection The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Three More.

His next big project sees him once again teaming up with actor Bill Murray for a new film called The Phoenician Scheme. Benicio del Toro and Michael Cera are also set to star — while Anderson’s penchant for ensemble casts means it’s likely you’ll see some other familiar faces from the Anderson stable making an appearance, too.

Main Image: Searchlight Pictures