Even in these social media times, when you can catch up with what Auntie Mildred’s had for breakfast every single day, it seems there’s still a place for the family Christmas card, sent out at the end of the year to keep friends and relatives up to speed on your progress (and so they know if someone’s died or been born and can alter next year’s Christmas card list accordingly).
And they seem to love it most in America, where the ‘family shot’ (not ‘shot family’, although, in America, that’s always a possibility) adorns the cover of a lot of festive cards.
But one Christmas card has gone viral, and for good reason. At first glance, this may appear to be one of those vomit-inducing pregnancy/wedding announcement photos but then…
Needless to say, the image struck a chord with many people:
Emily revealed that the card was, in fact, her idea - and she also readily admitted that she had been inspired by a previous classic:
Emily spoke to BBC Three saying:
“People have actually messaged me saying thanks for making them feel better about also being single during the holiday, which I think is pretty cool! And, a couple of dating apps and websites have also reached out - offering me free access to create an account to help me find a match which is really funny to me. Many people have asked me out publicly on Twitter and also privately in my messages on other social media accounts of mine, It’s all really flattering but I haven’t reached back to these offers!”
But let it also be known that this is far from the best Christmas card we’ve ever seen.
Oh no.
No, that accolade must surely go to this all-time American classic:
This piece of festive cheer was sent out by Nevada politician Michele Fiore, a Republican (who’d have guessed) assembleywoman back in 2015, and featured her family members, from young to old, brandishing a whole arsenal of weaponry. Handily, in case we didn’t realise just how tooled up the family were for Christmas, there’s a useful list of what heat they’re packing in the top corner of the card (David: Beretta 92FS, Sheena: Glock 30 45 acp, Michele: Serbu Super Shorty 12ga, Lill: Extar EXP556, Savanah: Glock 19 9 mm, Kyle: Glock 30 45asp).
The caption on the Facebook post that accompanied it read: “It’s up to Americans to protect America. We’re just your ordinary American family. With love & liberty, Michele.”
What we need, ladies and gentlemen, is more Emilys in this world, and fewer Micheles.
(Image: Twitter/Facebook)