A grandma accidentally bought her 6-year-old granddaughter this very unsuitable book
She clearly didn't read it first

Throughout your life, people will try telling you swearing isn’t funny. These people are wrong.
A six-year-old was given an animal picture book by her grandmother, who probably had reason to believe such a thing would be suitable for the youngster.
Of course, if she’d done as much as open the book, she’d have quickly learned that this was not the case.
It’s one thing learning that NSFW scenes managed to sneak their way into a kids’ book, but it’s another altogether when the NSFW content is all of the content.
The child’s mother, named Tiffany, shared photos from inside If Animals Could Talk, after her daughter came across some words she didn’t understand.
While no one can be sure what she was expecting to find, it probably wasn’t this…
Oh, you thought that was it? Not even close.
We’ve got a ‘Wiener Dog’ that’s sick of your jokes…
A badger that’s bilingual, somehow…
And, well, start as you mean to go on, I guess.
In the Amazon description for the book, by Carla Butwin and Josh Cassidy, it is described as a ‘hilarious book appropriate for all ages! (Definitely not for all ages.)’ – maybe grandma just stopped reading before the end of that section.
Butwin and Cassidy both shared the story on Twitter, claiming ‘any PR is good PR’, while Cassidy has used his profile to share a variety of related images over the years.
More captions can be found at Butwin and Cassidy’s ‘If ___ Could Talk’ Tumblr page. You probably get the picture by now.

(Images: Carla Butwin/Josh Cassidy)